Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ask The Expat Introduction

Over the past three years, I have been the administrator of a facebook group called "ESL Teachers in Korea" which is also the largest ESL group on facebook. I have tried my best to field as many questions as I can about expat life in Korea and beyond, but the forum is a little messy and difficult to navigate. So, I have decided to start this blog, on top of The Morning Clam, to further help expats and teachers with their transition to expat life.

I am based in Korea, but have reaches beyond the peninsula. Just like one of my favorite K-blogs, Ask a Korean, all you have to do is send me an email at and I will publically answer it (unless instructed otherwise).

So if you have any questions at all, shoot me an email and I'll get on top of it.

And go...

1 comment:

  1. Plagiarizer!! Usurper!! Thief!!

    Just kidding :) Thanks for the shoutout. Hopefully I can refer some questions to you. Best of luck.
