Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is it possible to have a DUI and still get an E2 Teaching visa in South Korea?

This week's sitemeter "request":

...On DUI's and E2 Visas

I have been getting a lot of hits about DUI's and whether or not they eliminate a candidate for an E2 visa therefore barring any potential teachers from coming to Korea. I emailed Jason Cresswell at AskNow (the only entry under "The Expat's Trusted Recruiters) and this is what he told me.
"Some immigration offices accept DUI's with a letter of explanation. Lately, our experience has been that Seoul immigration has a no-tolerance policy to anything at all on the background check. Thus, Seoul would be out. However, the Suwon immigration office and some other areas have approved them for us, so [potential teachers] have to be open to areas outside of Seoul."

Not only that, but he added a little more.

"Anything drug or sex-related is a 100% "no" at any office. Other things are subject to individual immigration officers and also very much subject to change. No clear rules available."

There you have it, E2 seekers. As I've said many times, a lot of these immigration rules are either unclear or not enforced uniformly. There are ways to get around some of the rules. It looks like Seoul -the number one teacher destination- has gotten stricter, so if you have a DUI and are really set on coming to Korea, then you've gotta be open to some areas other than Seoul.

If anybody has any questions, just send me an email at or leave a comment.

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