Sunday, July 26, 2009

Does this template hurt your eyes?

I was reading this blog the other day and my eyes started hurting. I was seeing lines after looking away from the monitor and my overall vision was essentially blurred for several minutes. I don't want that at all and since the average reader is on the site for over 4:00 minutes, I imagine that other people might be having the same problem.

So, does this template hurt your eyes?


  1. Gray on black looks sharp---your site and Gusts of Popular Feeling look good---but it's hard to read. I think a white background would be better.

  2. agree and also if the font size is big, it will be easier to read, over all the blog is much better than other side tidy and clean so i like it

  3. Yes, hurts my eyes although I still continue to read because its good content. Would help a lot with a white background!

  4. I've had the same problem reading your blog. I have to stop sometimes because of it. Perhaps its time to redesign the blog colors? (the content is great though)

  5. I have to hi-lite the text to change it to black on white in order to read.

  6. I use google reader and thus avoid this problem.

  7. I use google reader and thus avoid this problem.

  8. I also use Google Reader - but when it's time to leave a comment, the site is fine.

  9. re the new template: I also find the blazing white background quite harsh on the eyes: that's why I have a grey background to the text on my blog. A number of blogs have tended toward white backgrounds (Korea Beat, Marmot, etc), but the more text-heavy a blog is, the more I find this gets hard on my eyes after a while.

  10. This combination looks good. I wasn't here for the "blazing white."

    Did you experiment with one of the "stretch" templates? I've been satisfied with that one.
