Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why are you dick bloggers such arrogant dicks?

Here's the question:
Why are you dick bloggers such arrogant dicks? No one cares what you dicks think.
Wow. That's eloquent.

I'm not sure if this guy is serious or if he's just trying to get a response to a stupid question (I get a lot of these), but I guess I could give it a go.

First of all, I'm impressed that the word "dick" was used three times. I might need to work the word back into my vernacular, dick. I've been pretty big on "douche" for the past few years and -thanks to "Always Sunny"- I've been planning a return of the word "bozo". Soon enough, bozos.

So, this fellow thinks that us "dick bloggers" are "arrogant dicks" and that "no cares what" us "dicks think". Maybe he's directing that towards me and generalizing about the entire K-blog world or perhaps he really thinks we're all "arrogant dicks", but does this accusation hold?


I only have a couple ideas. Many of us opine on issues that matter to us. That's why we started our blogs and that's what we do. If we make claims or statements that irritate people, then I guess they can call us names. The fact is that many of us pay very close attention to Korean issues. We feel pretty connected to the nation in that way and perhaps that knowledge comes across as arrogance. I'm not a know-it-all. I'm constantly put in my place and educated by people through this blog, your blogs, journalists, academics, pols, my wife, my students, my friends, my parents and even my dog. There are a few things that I know to be true and the rest of it is just a stab.

I guess that some of this perceived arrogance could also come from comments we leave on other blogs. I know that I get pretty obnoxious on ROK Drop when American politics are being discussed, but for the most part I stay out of the comment boards. They tend to get nasty, snarky and offensive way too often and way too quickly.

Do we know more than non-bloggers? Nope.

Do we care more? Who knows?

Do we spend more time reading, writing and thinking about all things Korean? Probably.

Does anybody care? My 56 followers and my wife appear to and that's all I care about.

So, how about you guys, my fellow bloggers: Are you arrogant dicks?


  1. Yes! I am a dick.

  2. Because I'm famous, that's why.

    In all seriousness, I won't leave a long, serious answer to a question like that.

  3. I am a woman blogger so I can't be a dick!
    (sticks tongue out and runs off teehee-ing like a little girl)

  4. The reason I'm a half-assed blogger is because I'm too busy being an arrogant dick in other aspects of my life.

  5. I am what I eat. Hold on, that isn't right.

    Meh, I get hate mail like this regularly. It's usually from people looking in from the outside envious of my vast knowledge of Kushibo proportions.

  6. What would the female equivalent of 'arrogant dick' be?

  7. 56 followers?

    According to my Google Reader, there are 179 other Google Reader users currently subscribed to your RSS feed.

    I'd say that puts you over the 200 mark. congrats ^_^

  8. The female equivalent of an "arrogant dick" is quite simply an "insolent twat"

  9. As "30 Rock" asked, what's the male equivalent of "cunt"?

  10. As a female blogger with lots of clever opinions, I would prefer the term "bitchface" for myself. Nice blog, by the way, expat dick. One of my faves!


  11. I'm a dick and proud of it! oh wai...

  12. Dick? No. More like a monstrosity.

  13. Well, guess I'm just as much one as anyone.

    To him, I respond this way:

    Why do you go off and Expat Yourself!! :)

    Have a good time in the US!
