Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where is Yie Eun-woong?

Recognize this?

 No? How about this?

Our favorite stalker, Yie Eun-woong, is standing right next to Pagoda Tower in Gangnam. Which means he's quite close to where many English teachers (including myself) live, work and socialize. 

So to all my fellow Gangnamers: Keep an eye out for for this cunt-bag. He's in our neighborhood and he might be stalking you, your friends or your family. I would recommend turning the tables and "following" him just like he "follows" us because not only do Korean men rape and molest children dramatically more than teachers, but he fits the demographic: 40, single and pathetic.


  1. I KNEW that area looked eerily familiar... Just couldn't place it, that's all. Two possibilities:

    He's in such a public place that he would blend in, or he's on his 'home turf' - and within Gangnam there's tons of hagwons employing foreign teachers...

    Either way, watch out for the gray puffy jacket. Anyone wanna make t-shirts? LOL :)

  2. Ha! I would love to make T-shirts.

  3. The Expat wrote:
    Where is Yie Eun-woong?

    Dude's in Itaewon.

  4. So, that's Gangnam and Itae. Be on the look out.

  5. and supposedly Seóul is a Global City... NOT!

  6. Is he still chasing If so,I'm scared...

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