Monday, August 3, 2009

6-Month Contracts in South Korea

Here's the question:

I'm interested in teaching English in Korea. However, I cannot commit to a 1 year contract. Do you know of any places that have 6 month contracts? Or anything less than 6 month contracts?

Most schools and jobs offer the standard year contract. There are six month gigs out there, but they are hard to find, offer less benefits and no airfare or severance. Most schools don't want to mess with them because having a constant flow of short-term teachers damages reputations and decreases re-enrollment. So, I couldn't point you in any solid direction for those contracts, but if you cruise the jobs sites well enough, you might manage to find something. They surface from time to time on Daves though.

You have a couple options though. If you're totally into coming to Korea, then you can try to find a summer camp or a winter camp. They're usually five weeks of pretty full teaching days, but you can make some decent cash. Since it's nearing the end of the summer now, you'd have to shoot for the winter camps. However, those jobs typically get snatched up by F2/F4 visa holders or E2 holders who are already in country.

Of course, you don't have to teach in Korea. I would take a look at some international job boards. You can find some pretty good 6-month jobs on there.


Anonymous said...

The TaLK Program ( offers a six-month contract, along with what seem to be the usual perks: housing, round-trip airfare, and traveler's health insurance. The "hitch" is that the goal of the program is to send teachers to rural parts of the country, from which few city-savvy urbanites return with their sanity intact... or at least, that's the impression I get.

The Expat said...

Thanks for the link. I added it to the main post.

kushibo said...

I think rural Korea is a better fit for a lot of people from not-so-crowded parts of Anglophonia than the densely crowded megalopolis of Seoul or even Pusan.

Anyway, I think the Immigration still strongly restricts visa issuance for less-than-one-year contracts.

Anonymous said...

It was also good to have a job in South Korea but there was a lot of good opportunity in Australia. You can try to find some job searching websitejob searching website and you will surely find job vacancies in Australia.

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